Friday, March 30, 2007

Integrating Music

In my graduate class we looked at TeacherTube and I thought I'd add a couple of songs I do with my class. Music is a very powerful way to learn and I should do more of it in my classroom. I'll put the words to a song that helps my students remember when to add -ed to a word. It's corny but effective. Now once I learn how to do a podcast I'll be able to add the audio here as well. I'll write out the words and think of the tune to Turkey in the Straw.
When your root word ends with K your ed sounds like T,
when your root word ends with K your ed sounds like T,
when your root word ends with K your ed sounds like T,
when your root word ends with K your ed sounds like T
Na-na, na, na-na, na-na, na, naa,
Na-na, na, na-na, na-na, na, naa,
Naanana, na, na, na, naa, na na-na, na, na, na, na, na
K makes your ed sound like a T (Shave and a hair cut - two bits)

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You can also to switch off to CH, S, SH, P, X instead of T or make each line of the song a different combination.

Now that I'm in the singing mood, I'll put another one up here too. Months of the year can be tricky for students to remember, but not after you get them singing this one to the tune of Are You Sleeping.

March, March, March, (have the kids march in place during the all the marches)
March, March, March,
April, May, June,
July, August, September,
October, November,
Decembuuurrrrr, (pretend you're cold and and shake during Decembuuurrrr)

Months of the
Year Song

Now that I've laid some music on the line let me know all about those musical hits you belt out for your class.


Anonymous said...


I really like this idea. Did you post it to TeacherTube? Do you have a link?

Anonymous said...

You are so right about students learning with music! Have you tried adding movement as well? This all targets different learning styles and benefits all learners in the classroom.

Amy said...

Sing this one to the Addams Family tune...

There's Sunday and there's Monday.
There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday.
There's Thursday and there's Friday.
And there's Saturday.
Seven days in a week. (snap, snap)
Seven days in a week. (snap, snap)
Seven days in a week. Seven days in a week. Seven days in a week. (snap, snap)